How To Play Poker

Mastering Poker Tells: The Art of Reading Your Opponents

Shocked cat

Published: July 22, 2024
Written by Global Poker

How do you keep a close eye on your opponents so you can learn their key poker tells? Glad you asked — here’s all you need to know. 

There are endless strategies and techniques players can use to get an advantage over opponents, but there’s nothing more powerful in a game of poker than learning to identify another player’s poker tells. It’s like finding a cheat code in poker. Being able to read another player brings a huge advantage in live poker, which is why people spend so much time trying to learn the skill. If you’ve never heard the phrase before, or are unsure how it can help you, read on, and learn everything you need to know about poker tells.

What is a “Poker Tell”?

A poker tell is an action or behavior, either physical or verbal, that gives away the strength of a player’s poker hand. Often unintentional, these tells can be as subtle as a nervous tic or motion. However, some crafty, advanced players try to broadcast fake tells, to misrepresent the true strength of their cards. There are dozens of tells, possibly hundreds, as everyone reacts differently in high-pressure situations. Reading poker tells is a hard skill to learn, but it's well worth investing time in.

Types of Poker Tells

There are hundreds — possibly thousands —  of poker tells to watch out for. Everybody reacts differently when under stress and poker tells can take some very strange forms. Most tells will fall into two categories: physical or gameplay. 

  • Physical Tells: These focus on body language like fidgeting, shaking, or other changes in normal behavior and are the most obvious.
  • Gameplay Tells: These occur when a player betrays the strength of their hand through an action during the game, such as betting patterns, chip stacking, or continually checking their cards.

While most tells will be either physical or gameplay-related, there are others that are more obscure, but are still just as valid. During the climactic showdown of the popular 1998 poker film Rounders, Mike McDermott (Matt Damon), discovers villain Teddy KGB (John Malkovich), will smugly eat an Oreo every time has a good hand. It's highly unlikely that your poker opponents will be so obvious with their tells, but it gives you an idea of the strange types of behaviors to watch out for.

Recognizing Poker Tells

Some of the pros are so good at reading other players; you would swear they were psychic. However, these skills are often built up over years, and very few people can pick up tells in the opening few hands.

Identifying poker tells relies heavily on establishing a baseline for a player's normal behavior. Knowing standard poker tells is useless if you can't figure out when someone is acting abnormally. They could be jittery and fidgeting because they drink a lot of coffee, or talk a lot because they are naturally an anxious or nervous person. For tells to be reliable, you will usually have to observe a player for a significant amount of time. Depending on how perceptive you are, it could take hours.

Spotting accurate poker tells is hard — don't let anyone tell you differently. People are unpredictable and often do weird and contradictory things. Beginners are incredibly hard to read because they haven't played enough to know how to play properly. A beginner who has a full house might bet low simply because they don't know it's a good hand, or they might over-bet on a 7, 2 because they don't know any better. There is, unfortunately, no sure-fire way to get an accurate tell every time.

Common Poker Tells to Watch Out For

Body Language

Body movement is one of the most obvious tells. A big bet, bluff, or strong hand can often invoke trembling, shaking, fidgeting, and other restless involuntary motions. These actions usually mean the player is trying to relax and let off tension, or their natural fight-or-flight response has kicked in. Players hugging themselves, biting their lips, chewing their tongue, covering their mouth, or wringing their hands can also signify nervousness, possibly indicating weak cards or a bluff.

Imagine watching a player who suddenly starts fidgeting like they’re sitting on a cactus. Chances are, they’re not just adjusting for comfort—they’re probably dealing with some serious card-induced anxiety!

Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are difficult to control and can reveal a lot. People will naturally smile when they get good news and scowl or frown when they get bad news. Chattering teeth and other movements in the face can indicate general nervousness. 

Look for expressions on other players’ faces when they pick up their hole cards; is there a villainous smile, or do they look like they've just seen a ghost? If someone’s smiling like they’ve just won the lottery, they probably didn’t just get dealt a pair of twos.

Facial expressions are a great tell to watch out for because it's tough to hide every tiny smirk or frown.


Posture is another valuable tell. Sitting upright and straight-backed can show interest in the hand and possibly indicate good cards. Conversely, being slumped over, tense, or slouching with an arched back could be a sign of a bad hand or a player about to go on tilt. A relaxed posture often indicates strength or confidence.
If someone’s sitting up so straight they could balance a book on their head, they’re either very interested in their cards or auditioning for a Victorian finishing school.

Talking Too Much

Talking is the easiest way to get a read on someone. Their tone of voice can often betray their cards, which is why most pro tables are eerily silent. A shaky voice can mean nervousness, brought on by having good cards, or because they are lying through their teeth, have just made a big bet and fear getting caught. Being overly talkative can also be a strong indication of what cards another player has, especially if they've been silent for the whole game. If someone who’s been quieter than a mime suddenly turns into a chatterbox, they probably just got dealt a hand so good it’s giving them verbal diarrhea.

Sudden Changes in Behavior

Be observant and watch everything that happens at the table. Even the slightest change in someone's behavior could give an insight into their cards. For example, if another player has been phased out and quiet for the whole game, then suddenly becomes very interested and starts asking questions about who is in the hand after the deal, or makes a bet out of turn, there is a high chance they are over eager as a result of being dealt good cards. 

Another tell could be if somebody suddenly takes a deep breath, holds their breath, or starts rapidly panting, all indicating nervousness or preparing for a big action. Even dropping a drink or falling out of a chair could be a tell, although these actions are far less likely. Always be alert for rapid and unexpected changes in other players’ behavior.

Eye Contact

Avoiding eye contact often signifies that someone is lying; they tend to look elsewhere as a reflex.  For example, a player who looks away after making a big bet could mean they are bluffing or are so nervous they are afraid to look someone in the eye. Avoiding eye contact is usually an involuntary action, while staring someone dead in the eye projects strength and is generally what people who are telling the truth do.

Other eye-related tells can include looking at the community cards, then hole cards, as nervous players will often double-check what they have before making a large bet. Somebody staring at other people's chip stacks can also be a tell, possibly indicating they are planning to try and push another player all in.

Betting Patterns

A general rule of thumb, especially when up against newer players, is that big bets mean good cards, small bets mean weak cards. Depending on how experienced the other player is, this can obviously be manipulated.

Slow Play And Instant Call

If you've played a bit of poker, you've no doubt seen players who love to slow play and limit their betting until the final rounds, but they still instantly call because they can't contain their excitement. If someone is so eager to be in the hand, they call immediately, regardless of the pot size - so beware. Another indicator could be they have the correct amount to call already set aside ready for when play gets around to them. This is a good indication of strength, especially if they then bet heavily on the turn and river. Snap calls can also indicate they are drawing for something, a flush or straight and they are trying to appear strong. Regardless of what the real reason is, if another player is instantly calling your large bets, be very suspicious.

Common Poker Tells That Indicate Strength

  • Fluid Speech
  • Smiling 
  • Impatient during the betting phase
  • Drawing in a big breath before betting
  • Glancing at other chip stacks, sizing up other players

Common Poker Tells That Indicate Weakness

  • Holding breath
  • Biting lips, chewing tongue
  • Covering mouth
  • Fake joviality
  • Wringing hands

Online Poker Tells 

Online poker has gained considerable popularity since its debut in the late 90s, and many online poker players are starting to prefer it over the live version because it can be played from the comfort of home. Because it's all online, and you can't usually see the other players, online poker is a lot harder to read poker tells - but it’s actually not impossible. Physical tells are out, but gameplay ones are still viable.

Avoid Showing Poker Tells

Once you know what poker tells are, and how to identify them, it's easier to avoid doing them yourself. Knowing is half the battle, and once you have a decent understanding, you can even try to give off false tells, adding a whole other element to your skillset.

Deliberate Poker Tells — The Great Poker Actors

Poker is a game of deceptions and falsehoods, and some players take this concept far more seriously than others. Known as "Poker Actors," these players go to great lengths to give off false tells, altering their behavior and speech patterns to make their ruse believable. Typically, these actors are intermediate to advanced players who know enough about the game to make their performance convincing. Two common examples of poker actors are the overly relaxed player and the tanker.

A relaxed player will do everything possible to appear unthreatening; they might slouch in their chair, talk very little, and pretend to be distracted. If someone is unnaturally calm, there is a good chance they are a poker actor trying to lull you into a false sense of security before revealing a monster, soul-crushing hand.

Tankers, on the other hand, take an unusually long time to make decisions on big hands, eventually sliding their chips into the middle as if paying for something mundane. A tanker's main goal is to convey indecisiveness to draw you further into the hand, giving them more time to read you. Despite their delay, their choice is already made; they are merely prolonging the act to appear weak when they are strong.

Poker actors come in all shapes and sizes, often exploiting common poker tells to create an illusion of weakness while holding the best hand. There will generally be at least one poker actor at any table, but they can usually be identified after a few hands. If someone demonstrates above-average poker skill and knowledge yet makes simple beginner mistakes, odds are, you've encountered a poker actor trying to deceive you.

One Last Thing You Should Know About Poker Tells

Keep in mind that tells are not 100 percent reliable and rely heavily on guesswork about other players' behavior. Some people are just naturally jittery, especially if it's their first time playing at the casino; every hand will make them shake like a leaf, whether it's a straight flush or a pair of 2s. Other tells are contradictory; a player might make a big bet with shaky hands then stare directly in your eyes. Tells can also be acts of subterfuge.

You might encounter ‘the talker’ at every poker table; that one person who just won't shut up the whole game. But every talker is different from one table to the next. Just beware and use your judgment wisely. The same exact tell can mean completely different things for two different players, which is why it's so hard to read other players. 

Some people spend way too much time searching for unconscious poker tells and forget just to play the game. Poker tells can provide a treasure trove of information to give a massive edge over your opponents, but don't expect them to be correct every single time and don’t waste all your time looking for them. Remember that these tells are just one piece of the puzzle in the complex and fascinating world of poker strategy.

Poker Tells FAQs

What are poker tells?
Poker tells are physical or verbal cues that can indicate the strength or weakness of a player's hand. They can include body language, facial expressions, or betting patterns.
What are some common poker tells that indicate a weak hand?
Signs of a weak hand might include fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or making small bets. Players may also appear unusually relaxed or indifferent if they are bluffing.

How can I avoid giving off poker tells?
To avoid giving off tells, maintain a consistent demeanor and behavior throughout the game. Practice controlling your physical responses and avoid changes in your betting patterns.

Are poker tells the same in online poker as they are in live poker?
No, online poker lacks physical tells, but you can still observe betting patterns, timing, and chat behavior. Online poker players might reveal information through their bet timing and betting patterns.

How long does it take to become proficient at reading poker tells?
Becoming proficient at reading poker tells takes practice and experience. It involves observing opponents over time, understanding their usual behavior, and learning to interpret subtle cues.

This article is a reference article to poker tells in general. It is for information and entertainment only. It is not related to, nor a reflection of, Global Poker, its products, content, or its games.